Sacred Smudgings
Can you feel it?
Can you sense any negative energy in your home or business that makes you or others feel uneasy, feel a little out of sorts, feel unbalanced?
Is your home or business showing you signs that the enegy is off, giving you reasons to do more than just a little dusting? There’s a saying ~ “If these walls could talk” and they do, by giving off stagnant, unpleasant, and heavy vibrations in your space.
It’s time to change up the vibe with a sacred smudge clearning ceremony! Your unique ceremony will be crafted to serve you and your space deeply.
~ The Uses of Smudging ~ Include cleansing, blessing, protecting, banishing, releasing, and by supporting your positive intentions. The properties that each sacred herb evokes supports your space, and helps drive away negative energy, so that you can start fresh with new heartfelt intentions and appreciation.
Some of the herbs and flowers that will be used for your ceremony smudge burn bowl were grown at Brenda’s home. The sage was harvested on sacred land in Eastern Washington and processed by Brenda. Your special smudge brine will vary depending on what you and your space needs for transformation.
~ The Effects Of Herbs ~ Smudging herbs will support in banishing negative unwanted energy, by bringing in protection, strength, and loving energy. The end result, your space will be purified, restored, and transformed. Your sacred space will offer you positive energy, balance, and harmony. Your sacred space will feel safe, so that you can have fresh clarity, vitality, joy, grace, and ease, in creating more of what you want in your life. Your heart will be open and ready to receive.

Sacred Smudging Ceremony ~ Your ceremony will be specially designed for you and your home or business.
How it Works ~ Using a variety of ceremonial tools such as drums, rattles, sage & herbs, bells, chants, and magic, helps negative energy to release and dissipate. You are encouraged to participate by using the ceremonial tools, releasing that which no longer serves you, and your positive intentions.
What to Expect ~ The effects of a smudging ceremony can happen surprisingly swiftly and can turn your space into a positive, soothing environment. The unwanted bad vibes will vanish, the negative energy you or others felt will banish, and in it’s place a loving and balanced energy will transform you and your space.
How Often to Smudge ~ It is recommended to have a sacred smudging ceremony every four months, spring, summer, fall and winter. All seasons bring unique changes and each season offers another opportunity to release the old energy, so that you can gain more balance and clarity.
Divine Investment ~ $297 ~ 4 Smudging Ceremonies Package ~ Every Season. Each Ceremony, 60-90 minutes.
Smudging Cermony Only ~ $97 ~ 1 Smudging Ceremony ~ 60-90 minutes.
~ Divine Praise ~
I hired Brenda to come and do a smudging ceremony when my business turned one year old. The energy in the spa was feeling negative, and stangant, I was ready for a change. I loved that Brenda included me in every aspect of the ceremony. It was fun, deep and magical. I felt a difference in the space immediately. Durning the ceremony I stated my intentions for what I wanted to bring in for my buisness, and for what I wanted to release was so helpful. Durning the smudging ceremony I picked to use the rattle as my ceremony tool as we went room to room. I was blown away on how the rattle seemed to know how strong or light it needed to shaken as it cleared the space. The ceremony was amazing! I felt very honored to be a part of the sacred healing.
I felt a thousand times better after the cermony was over, and I was able to be in the space. I felt calm, I had more clarity and I was happy. The next day the staff noticed the difference and they were glad that I did it. Since then the phones have been ringing more and we have attacted the best employees and new clients. Brenda now comes every season and I highly recommend sacred smudging for anyone that would like to have thier space transfomed.
~ Trieva Katsandres ~ Trieva’s Spa & Boutique ~ Lynnwood, Washington