Altar or Sacred Space
How would it feel to create a sacred space, an altar that enables you to anchor your communications, your focus, your intenions, and it supported you to become unstuck and feeling discouraged?
Creating a sacred altar or space provides you with a tangible connection to the divine and supports your heartfelt desires. A portal is opened by you, for the inspiration, joy and grace needed to fulfill your dreams, both personally and professionally.
Creating an altar is somewhat like creating a vision board, the difference is that you focus on one desire at a time, instead of 20 different things. What you focus on expands!
~ Learn How ~ To use meaningful intention symbols, elements, colors, plants, flowers, sounds, textures, and essentials oils, in your creation to support your outcome.
* Draw from from different cultural and spiritual traditions that are meaningful to you.
* Infuse and ignite your own treasures with the potency you desire.
* Create and design a space that holds joy, maintains peace, removes stress and offers grace and ease.
~ Sacred Altar Choices ~ Abundance ~ Career ~ Divorce ~ Health and Well-being ~ Life Changes ~Marriage ~ New Life ~ Pets ~ Prosperity ~ Recognition ~ Relationships ~Spiritual ~ Endless Possibilities…..

~ Profound Magical Day ~ You will be guided and play an active role from start to finish, learning a new skill set by infusing your altar or space with your intentions for your divine fulfillment. The result is that you will not only have a glorious new altar or space, you will also have a daily reminder and facilitator for greater clarity, empowerment, and joy.
For over a decade Brenda has been professionally creating sacred altars and spaces for private homes, businesses, women’s retreats, workshops, International public events, outdoor parties, indoor celebrations, company gatherings, and day spas.
It would be an honor and a pleasure for Brenda to create with you. Come experience an Sacred Altar Retreat and create your heartfelt foundation for your divine intentions.
~ To Create ~ To bring something into existence, into being, to produce, generate, make, fabricate, to build, construct, originate, frame, and shape.
A sacred altar is a place you choose. It is a place where you can express yourself freely through symbolic objects, meditation, dance, chanting, song, and prayer. It is your magestic temple, your foundation in creating more of what you deeply desire in your life.

Experience a personal profound three hour altar creation retreat at a beautiful waterfront oasis located in Poulsbo Washington..
Choose Your Times ~ 10:30 – 1:30 2:30 – 5:30 6:30 – 9:30
Most weekdays and weekends available. Walk or drive on the ferry from Edmonds or Seattle. Pickup and drop off available if you walk on.
Arrival ~ You will be warmly greeted with hot tea or water and then gently guided in a beautiful intention meditation as you settle in.
Smudging Ceremony ~ You will participate in a sacred smudging ceremony and create your own bundle to use for your sacred altar.
Altar Creation ~ Brenda will share her amazing experience using altars and then show you everything you need to know in creating your heartfelt altar, so that you can begin to manifest your deepest desires or goals.
Delightful Nibbles ~ There will be a healthy snack tray with a variety of delights.
Divine Investment ~ $150 ~ Your Sacred Altar Journey includes a free copy of Brenda’s book, ‘Altars of Intentions’ and a few divine surprises!
Retreat Days and Times ~ Personal retreats are flexiable to work with your busy schedule. Brenda is also available to share altar creation at women’s circles in person, on Skype, Zoom or at large women’s events. Inquire for your retreat ~
~ Divine Praise ~
I have always been a proponent of setting intentions-capturing my goals in writiing, creating mind maps, vision boards, and visualizing my desires, but had not been introduced to the concept of creating an altar. At a women’s retreat weekend, Brenda not only shared her personal experiences with altars, but also walked us through the steps for creating one ourselves.
Inspired and armed with this new information, I created my own altar as soon as I arrived home. My intention, as stated on my altar, was to manifest a Joy-ful Beautiful Home. Less than one month later, I happened to be on a phone call with an acquaintance who ‘seemingly out of the blue’ mentioned a property that was coming available. It not only checked off every box on my list, it was perfect in every way! The following month I moved into my beautiful home.
I can not begin to thank Brenda enough for introducing me to this magical process which I now use to clarify and manifest all of my heart’s desires.
~ Rhonda Barry ~ Regina, Saskatchewan

I had Brenda come and decorate my one room spa years ago. She came in and hung a sari on the celing and two on the windows. I loved it and so did my clients. When I decided to grow my business into a 3,ooo sq. foot space, I knew I wanted Brenda to design and decorate it. I knew that I could trust her and I gave her full reign to do whatever she wanted.
I was amazed at what she created! From branches on the ceilings in one room and fabric painting the walls in another, it turned out better than I could have dreamed of. We get compliments everyday, some clients even say that it looks better than some of the fancy spas in Las Vegas. Our clients and employees love the space and as an owner that makes me feel wonderful.
I wanted my clients to feel that they can just ‘be’ when they come to the spa for treatments and Brenda really made sure of that in her unique design, and her attention to every detail, that the essence of flow and beauty would be appreicated by my clients.
I am so grateful that I hired her, that I trusted her, and I still do as we up date the apperance of the spa regularly.
~Trieva Katsandres ~ Trieva’s Spa & Boutique ~ Lynnwood Washington

Divine Invitation ~
Join Brenda’s free Sacred Blissiplines Journey Issues (every two months) and recieve new healing harp meditation’s. Brenda is a fourth generation harpist and is expanding her healing harp music by creating 5 minutes or less mini meditations, to support you and your beautiful heart. Brenda will also share altar tips, sacred practices, upcoming women’s events and retreats.
To subcribe, fill out your name and email below, click subcribe. Check your email and confirm that you subcribed. After you confirmed, you will receive a second email in a few minutes with the Intention Meditation. Thank you and enjoy!